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2015 Notes from the Marking Centre – Vietnamese Continuers


This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the Stage 6 Vietnamese Continuers course. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2015 Higher School Certificate examination, indicating the quality of the responses and highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses.
This document should be read along with:

Section I – Conversation

Characteristics of better responses:

  • information and ideas were fluently and accurately presented
  • a range of topics was elaborated on
  • language was manipulated effectively in response to a range of questions
  • a wide vocabulary and advanced sentence structures were used
  • responses were fluent and confident with authentic intonation and pronunciation.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • responses included irrelevant information
  • information was presented without elaboration
  • responses lacked depth
  • responses were lengthy but not relevant.

Section II – Discussion

Characteristics of better responses:

  • appropriate topics were chosen
  • discussion was supported by referring to three texts, including a literary text
  • resources were relevant and appropriate
  • detailed perceptive references to the texts were made
  • in-depth understanding of the topic was demonstrated
  • a high level of language skills in the use of vocabulary and sentence structures was demonstrated
  • candidates presented a discussion rather than an information report.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • topics were chosen which did not allow an in-depth discussion
  • candidates relied on general knowledge
  • candidates did not refer to three texts
  • candidates did not make reference to a literary text.

The choice of topic and appropriate resources is of utmost importance to the success of a discussion. Therefore, candidates are reminded to carefully select relevant appropriate resources including literary resource(s).

Written examination 

Section I – Listening and Responding

Part A

Characteristics of better responses:

  • a holistic understanding of the text was demonstrated
  • responses were supported with evidence from the texts where appropriate.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • responses only included isolated pieces of information
  • information in the texts was simply translated rather than being used to answer the questions.

Part B

Question 7
Characteristics of better responses:

  • the correct text type (email) was used
  • a comprehensive understanding of the ideas in the text was demonstrated
  • the needs of the organisation were addressed.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • only isolated ideas from the text were provided.

Section II – Reading and Responding

Part A

Characteristics of better responses:

  • a holistic understanding of the text and its language was demonstrated
  • answers were supported with evidence from the text where appropriate.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • candidates translated the texts rather than addressing the requirements of the question.

Part B

Characteristics of better responses:

  • the main points of the stimulus text were identified and manipulated to serve the purpose of the task
  • candidates responded creatively about their experience at the event
  • ideas were structured logically and coherently
  • a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures were used.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • a limited understanding of the requirements of the question was demonstrated
  • candidates described what they saw at the event rather than writing about a personal experience based on the stimulus text.

Section III – Writing in Vietnamese

Characteristics of better responses:

  • a good reflection throughout the text was demonstrated
  • a variety of memories/experiences within the context given was included
  • diary entry was well-structured and coherent
  • a variety of language elements was used.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • the requirements of the question were not met
  • responses recounted events rather than reflecting on them
  • a limited ability to structure ideas was demonstrated
  • numerous errors and repetitions were included.
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