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Performance Band Descriptors — 2019 Higher School Certificate

2019 Music 2 Performance Band Descriptors and State Performance (Acrobat PDF)

2 unit Music 2

2019 Candidature - 730

Band 6

Displays extensive knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form. Makes high level musical observations reflecting comprehensive musical experiences. Demonstrates excellent development of ideas, musical discrimination and stylistic understanding in composition. Performs with expertise displaying stylistic interpretation and a high level of technical skill. Demonstrates comprehensive analytical skills supported by an excellent understanding of the musical concepts.
Band 5

Displays detailed knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form. Makes detailed musical observations reflecting diverse musical experiences. Demonstrates successful development of ideas, stylistic and technical competence in composition. Performs stylistically with musical sensitivity and technical accomplishment. Displays detailed analytical skills supported by a thorough understanding of the musical concepts.
Band 4

Displays sound knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form. Makes sound musical observations based on broad musical experiences. Demonstrates musical merit and stylistic awareness in composition. Performs with musical style and proficiency. Demonstrates broad analytical skills based on a good understanding of the musical concepts with stylistic inconsistencies.
Band 3

Displays basic knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form. Makes musical observations based on their musical experiences. Demonstrates inconsistent musical merit and stylistic awareness in composition. Performs competently but inconsistently. Demonstrates basic analytical skills and understanding of the musical concepts.
Band 2

Displays limited knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form. Makes simple musical observations. Demonstrates limited musical merit in composition. Performs with limited interpretive and technical skills. Demonstrates limited analytical skills and simple understanding of the musical concepts.
Band 1

A mark in this band indicates that the student has achieved below the minimum standard expected.
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