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  4. Chinese Background Speakers 2 unit (15560)
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2 unit Chinese Background Speakers
2003 Candidature - 1165
Band 6  (8.32%)
Demonstrates the ability to organise and express ideas logically and coherently in oral and written communication. Demonstrates an extensive command of vocabulary and complex structures. Demonstrates an excellent knowledge of Chinese characters. ProcessesÇand analyses information from written and spoken texts and demonstrates an understanding of their overall meaning as well as identifying all relevant detail. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of discourse forms. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of texts and the ability to give extensive analysis with close textual reference.
Band 5  (34.76%)
Demonstrates the ability to express most ideas clearly and logically in oral and written communication, with only minor errors. Demonstrates a considerable range of vocabulary and structures. Demonstrates a very sound knowledge of Chinese characters. Processes information from written and spoken texts, selecting and effectively conveying appropriate detail, with occasional inconsistencies and errors. Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of discourse forms. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of texts and the ability to give considerable analysis with textual reference.
Band 4  (40.25%)
Expresses ideas in oral communication logically, but clarity and fluency may be affected by spoken dialect. Organises and expresses most ideas in written communication with a number of weaknesses in sequencing and/or linking. Demonstrates a sound knowledge of vocabulary, structures and Chinese characters. Processes information from written and spoken texts, selecting and conveying some relevant detail, with occasional inconsistencies and errors. Demonstrates most conventions of discourse forms. Demonstrates a sound understanding of texts and identifies and discusses some problems and issues with some textual reference.
Band 3  (12.18%)
Conveys the main ideas using simple grammatical structures. Demonstrates an elementary knowledge of vocabulary and structures. Writes Chinese characters with some errors. Identifies some relevant detail from written and spoken texts. Demonstrates an elementary understanding of texts and the ability to identify some problems and issues with minimal justification and elaboration.
Band 2  (2.57%)
Identifies isolated detail from texts that is not necessarily relevant and accurate. Demonstrates a limited knowledge of vocabulary and structures, with inaccuracies. Writes Chinese characters with errors. Demonstrates a superficial understanding of texts.
Band 1  (1.45%)
A mark in this band indicates that the student has achieved below the minimum standard expected.
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