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Performance Band Descriptors — 2013 Higher School Certificate

2 unit Persian Background Speakers

2013 Candidature - 35

Band 6

Demonstrates a highly developed ability to comprehend global meaning and detail, evaluate and respond selectively by processing and synthesising information from Persian texts. Compares and contrasts texts critically and perceptively, justifying observations and opinions. Argues convincingly and substantiates a point of view with close textual reference and well-sequenced ideas. Demonstrates an outstanding ability to use language coherently, with sustained clarity, creativity and sophistication, employing register and discourse forms appropriate to audience, purpose and context. Demonstrates a detailed and insightful appreciation and analysis of texts, including thematic, linguistic and stylistic features. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of contemporary issues with extensive and detailed evidence of wide reading/viewing/listening.
Band 5

Demonstrates a well-developed ability to comprehend global meaning and detail, evaluate and respond selectively by processing and synthesising information from Persian texts. Compares and contrasts texts competently, justifying observations and opinions. Argues effectively and substantiates a point of view with appropriate textual reference and well-sequenced ideas. Demonstrates the ability to use language coherently, to convey ideas effectively, with some degree of originality and creativity, employing register and discourse forms appropriate to audience, purpose and context. Demonstrates a detailed appreciation and analysis of texts, including thematic, linguistic and stylistic features. Demonstrates a high level of understanding of contemporary issues, supported by evidence of wide reading/viewing/listening.
Band 4

Demonstrates a sound global understanding of Persian texts and identifies some relevant detail. Demonstrates the ability to organise and express most ideas clearly with a number of weaknesses in sequencing and/or linking. Uses a broad range of vocabulary, structures and syntax with sound control of the conventions of discourse forms. Interprets some of the key features of texts, with little observation. Demonstrates some detail in the understanding and knowledge of texts with some weaknesses in interpretation and evaluation. Displays a general knowledge of contemporary issues and provides reasonable evidence of wide reading/viewing/listening.
Band 3

Demonstrates elementary global understanding and identifies some appropriate detail in Persian texts. Demonstrates an understanding and knowledge of texts and attempts to engage with texts and offer personal observations, often with minimal justification and elaboration. Makes some attempt to organise and sequence ideas. Uses a predictable range of vocabulary, structures and syntax with some adherence to conventions of discourse forms. Displays a basic knowledge of contemporary issues and demonstrates some evidence of wide reading/viewing/listening.
Band 2

Identifies isolated minor detail in Persian texts, which is not necessarily relevant. Identifies some relevant factual information with little exposition, elaboration, analysis or justification. Demonstrates a limited ability to organise content in responding to texts. Uses only simple vocabulary, structures and syntax, with a limited knowledge of discourse forms. Demonstrates only a superficial understanding of texts. Displays minimal knowledge of contemporary issues.
Band 1

A mark in this band indicates that the student has achieved below the minimum standard expected.
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