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Performance Band Descriptors — 2018 Higher School Certificate

2018 Korean and Literature Performance Band Descriptors and State Performance (Acrobat PDF)

2 unit Korean and Literature

2018 Candidature - 40

Band 6

Demonstrates an extensive and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of literary and non-literary texts, sociocultural and contemporary issues, and has an excellent ability to critically analyse, interpret, justify and evaluate. Demonstrates an excellent knowledge and understanding of language such as semantics, syntax, idiom, colloquialisms and vocabulary and also manipulates language in a sophisticated manner. Demonstrates an excellent command of register and discourse forms appropriate to the audience, purpose and context. Demonstrates an outstanding ability to organise and express ideas and opinions concisely, logically, coherently and creatively.
Band 5

Demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of texts, sociocultural and contemporary issues, and has a high level of ability to argue, justify and evaluate effectively and substantiate a point of view with appropriate detail. Displays an accurate knowledge and understanding of language such as semantics, syntax, idiom, colloquialisms and vocabulary and also manipulates language competently. Demonstrates a competent command of register and discourse forms appropriate to the audience, purpose and context. Organises and expresses most ideas and opinions successfully.
Band 4

Demonstrates a sound global knowledge and understanding of texts, sociocultural and contemporary issues, and expresses the main aspects of the issues/views with relevant detail and descriptive response, with some weaknesses in interpretation and evaluation. Demonstrates a broad knowledge and understanding of language, vocabulary, idiom and syntax within the parameters of the text. Demonstrates adequate command of register and discourse forms relevant to the audience, purpose and context with occasional weaknesses in command of register. Demonstrates the ability to organise and express main ideas substantially with a number of weaknesses in the sequencing and/or linking of related ideas.
Band 3

Demonstrates descriptive knowledge and understanding of texts, sociocultural and contemporary issues, and expresses personal observations, factual information and descriptive responses with minimal justification, elaboration, interpretation and evaluation. Demonstrates foundational knowledge and understanding of language, vocabulary and syntax. Demonstrates a basic command of register and discourse forms, with simple manipulation of language. Demonstrates some ability to organise and express relevant ideas, with some weaknesses in sequencing and/or linking related ideas.
Band 2

Demonstrates superficial knowledge and understanding of texts, sociocultural and contemporary issues, and attempts to identify some relevant factual information with little exposition, elaboration, analysis or justification. Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of language and minimal manipulation of language with basic command of register and discourse forms. Conveys information that may be irrelevant, inappropriate and inaccurate.
Band 1

A mark in this band indicates that the student has achieved below the minimum standard expected.
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