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Performance Band Descriptors — 2023 Higher School Certificate

2023 Modern Greek Continuers Performance Band Descriptors and State Performance (Acrobat PDF)

2 unit Modern Greek Continuers

2023 Candidature - 67

Band 6

Maintains communication through the exchange of relevant information, opinions and experiences expressed appropriately, coherently and fluently. Demonstrates a sophisticated level of vocabulary and complex language structures including colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions in both the spoken and written forms. Manipulates language and register for a specific context, audience and purpose. Structures and sequences ideas creatively, coherently and logically. Demonstrates a comprehensive global understanding of spoken and written texts and the ability to identify, summarise, interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas.
Band 5

Maintains communication through the exchange of relevant information, opinions and experiences competently and effectively displaying a generally fluent expressive style with occasional hesitations and errors. Demonstrates a sophisticated level of vocabulary and linguistic structures including occasional use of colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions in both spoken and written forms. Demonstrates appropriate use of social registers in spoken and written Greek. Structures and sequences ideas and information with some creativity but with occasional minor errors in expression, grammar and spelling. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of global understanding of spoken and written texts and the ability to identify, summarise and interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas.
Band 4

Maintains communication through the exchange of relevant information, opinions and experiences effectively although with some syntactical errors and anglicisms. Demonstrates a broad range of vocabulary and linguistic structures in the spoken and written form but with limited use of colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions. Generally demonstrates a good understanding of appropriate social register in spoken and written Greek. Demonstrates the ability to organise and express most ideas effectively but with some weaknesses in sequencing and/or linking and with errors in grammar and spelling. Demonstrates some global understanding of spoken and written texts, and identifies the main points and some detail.
Band 3

Maintains communication hesitantly using a limited range of expressions and vocabulary and with some syntactical errors and anglicisms. Demonstrates the ability to organise and express using simple, basic structures and a limited vocabulary with errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Demonstrates some knowledge of social register. Presents ideas which are not always linked coherently. Identifies some of the main points and some detail of spoken and written texts.
Band 2

Maintains a basic level of oral communication with hesitation and errors in expression and syntax. Demonstrates a limited and inconsistent knowledge of social register. Writes using a limited range of expressions and vocabulary, with evidence of confused use of dipthongs and alphabets and frequent use of anglicisms. Identifies some detail in spoken and written texts.
Band 1

A mark in this band indicates that the student has achieved below the minimum standard expected.
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