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2009 HSC Notes from the Marking Centre – English (ESL)



This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the Stage 6 course in English (ESL). It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2009 Higher School Certificate examination, indicating the quality of the responses and highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses.

This document should be read along with the relevant syllabus, the 2009 Higher School Certificate examination, the marking guidelines and other support documents which have been developed by the Board of Studies to assist in the teaching and learning of English (ESL).

Teachers and students are advised that, in December 2008, the Board of Studies approved changes to the examination specifications and assessment requirements for a number of courses. These changes will be implemented for the 2010 HSC cohort. Information on a course-by-course basis is available on the Board’s website.

General comments

Teachers and candidates should be aware that examiners may ask questions that address the syllabus outcomes in a manner that requires candidates to respond by integrating their knowledge, understanding and skills developed through studying the course.

Candidates need to be aware that the mark allocated to the question and the answer space (where this is provided on the examination paper) are a guide to the length of the required response. A longer response will not in itself lead to higher marks. Writing far beyond the indicated space may reduce the time available for answering other questions.

Candidates need to be familiar with the Board’s Glossary of Key Words (www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/glossary_keywords.html) which contains some terms commonly used in examination questions. However, candidates should also be aware that not all questions will start with or contain one of the key words from the glossary. Questions such as ‘how?’, ‘why?’ or ‘to what extent?’ may be asked or verbs may be used which are not included in the glossary, such as ‘design’, ‘translate’ or ‘list’.

Paper 1 – Language Study within an Area of Study

Section I

Question 1

General comments

Better responses made clear connections between the concept of belonging and the language used to present ideas in the texts.

Most candidates adapted well to the answer booklet format and contained their responses within the allocated space, taking into account the marks awarded for each question. A much smaller number of candidates included unnecessary details or copied parts of the question in their responses. Better responses interpreted the requirements of the questions accurately and responded appropriately and concisely.

Specific comments

    1. Most candidates identified one idea about belonging.
    2. Better responses identified elements or features of the photograph and explained their effects. Weaker responses listed visual elements or failed to make a clear connection between the feature and its effect.
  1. Better responses described or exemplified two different reasons why the character wanted to live in somebody else’s house. Weaker responses offered two similar reasons or examples.
  2. Better responses clearly identified two different ways and explained how these communicated a sense of not belonging. Weaker responses included direct quotes from the text without an explanation or made a generalised comment about the girl not belonging.
  3. The better responses identified two separate reasons for the campaign. Weaker responses gave only one reason or provided a generalised statement about the campaign.
  4. Better responses included both the idea of encouraging individual action and an example of such action. Weaker responses attempted to paraphrase the statement.
  5. Better responses identified two persuasive techniques and explained their effects in terms of achieving the purpose of the press release. Weaker responses identified techniques but did not explain the effects clearly or else referred to an effect without identifying a technique.
  6. In the better responses, candidates integrated ideas from at least one text to produce a personal description which communicated a sense of belonging in a highly effective or creative way. These responses made insightful links between the description of a personal experience or relationship and the ideas presented in at least one of the texts.

Weaker responses relied on an analysis or summary of one or more texts, at times repeating information provided in earlier responses. Many of these responses made superficial connections between ideas of belonging and their personal experiences, or else did not describe a personal experience at all.

Section II

Question 2

Most responses demonstrated a good understanding of the concept of belonging and the link between relationships and experiences and an individual’s sense of belonging as represented in the texts. Overall, most responses also showed good skills in interpreting texts, although the ability to synthesise ideas varied. Most responses demonstrated a good understanding of the appropriate form and structure.

A number of responses discussed belonging in general rather than specifically discussing how belonging or not belonging was conveyed in or through the texts studied. Others narrowed their discussion to address the question partially, describing and analysing relationships and experiences represented in the texts without linking these commentaries to notions of belonging. A number of prepared responses addressed elements of questions from previous years’ examinations.

Not all responses engaged with the idea of assessing to what extent an individual’s sense of belonging had been shaped in the texts. Some candidates looked at the sense of belonging gained by the characters in the text while others focused on their own sense of belonging gained through the texts as a responder. Not all responses addressed the idea of ‘relationships and experiences’ but used terms like ‘family’ or ‘community’ instead. Some examined the notion in a superficial way by including the phrase ‘relationships and experiences’ in the introduction, at the end of the discussion of each text, and in the conclusion. In many cases, brief attention was given to judging the extent to which the texts supported the idea that relationships and experiences shape an individual’s sense of belonging. At times this evaluative component of the responses was implied rather than explained; often the evidence to substantiate claims was lacking.

Most responses interpreted the texts well, demonstrating understanding of the concept and the experiences and relationships presented. Some candidates had difficulty explaining how an individual’s sense of belonging was communicated in the text. Most identified some of the techniques evident in the texts but many did not use these selectively to support the argument they were presenting in their response. Weaker responses resorted to retelling or describing the content of the texts rather than interpreting and analysing the techniques used by the composers to convey ideas.

Better responses introduced a thesis to answer the question which they maintained and supported throughout the essay. These responses explained succinctly that composers of different texts conveyed a range of experiences and relationships that clearly shape an individual’s sense of belonging, demonstrating comprehensive knowledge of the texts and an insightful understanding of the concept. Analysis of examples and/or quotes was included to support discussion of the insights gained. Better responses also demonstrated a high degree of intertextual linking, fluency and sustained control of expression.

Weaker prepared responses demonstrated an understanding of the concept of ‘belonging’ and knowledge of texts but varied in the degree to which they specifically answered this year’s question, often ignoring the key terms ‘relationships’, ‘experiences’, ‘shaped’ and ‘extent’. Candidates need to address the terms of the question, select examples and integrate them into the discussion to support their thesis.

Some candidates chose to write about their own personal experience of a sense of belonging as a related text of their own choosing. At times these were personal recounts that did not engage with the notion of the shaping of a sense of belonging and were not related to the question.

When choosing poetry as a prescribed text there is an expectation that more than one poem will be referred to in a response. Some discussions were limited by reference to only one poem of the selection prescribed.

When choosing related texts to include, candidates need to consider the relevance and appropriateness of the texts in linking them to the other texts and the thesis.

Paper 2 – Modules

Section I – Module A: Experience Through Language

General comments

Better responses were enhanced by integrating their analysis and discussion of textual forms and features into their overall response to the question. Weaker responses often provided a general description of techniques and did not relate this back to the question.

Candidates are required to read and respond to the question set. Candidates who relied heavily on prepared responses invariably failed to address the specific requirements and focus of the task. More effective responses displayed evidence of the time taken to plan and tailor knowledge and information to suit the question. These responses established an immediate and relevant response to the topic and outlined a clear thesis in their introduction.

Most candidates recognised the need to write in an explanatory style and sustained a formal register throughout their responses. Most candidates noted that the question did not require a related text. Candidates who referred to a related text found it difficult to relate the discussion of this text to the task, and they were also unable to effect and sustain a detailed analysis of their prescribed text. Weaker responses sometimes used wording from previous examination questions relating to the module.

Specific comments

Question 1 – Elective 1: Australian Voices

Better responses demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the elective and the prescribed text. These responses developed a clear thesis and provided detailed discussion of how the composer and/or editor used language forms and features to communicate Australian voices. They made insightful distinctions between language forms and language features, and referred to specific examples to illustrate how a range of voices had been created in the text to reflect the beliefs, attitudes and perceptions of individuals and groups within Australian society.

A majority of candidates discussed how the composer or editor presented a range of voices and only superficially addressed how these voices reflected the beliefs, attitudes and perceptions of individuals and groups within Australian society. Some candidates relied heavily on examples of the use of slang, idioms and accent in the text to illustrate their conception of an Australian voice. More limited responses merely provided a recount of the text, either in full or in part, or provided character profiles or catalogues of techniques with little or no reference to the question.

  1. Prose Fiction – J C Burke, The Story of Tom Brennan

Specific analysis of narrative structure and features of language was often lacking, many candidates focusing instead on the characters’ voices and how these voices changed throughout the narrative. Better responses included in their analysis how the composer presented a range of voices and how these voices reflect the values, attitudes and perceptions of individuals and groups within Australian society with particular reference to life in rural Australia. Weaker responses relied heavily on retelling the plot with limited analysis of language features and little or no reference to the elective focus.

  1. Drama – Katherine Thomson, Diving for Pearls

Most responses demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the text, exploring a range of voices by way of discussion of the relationships between characters and analysis of specific examples of language features used in the play. Better responses effectively addressed the use of dramatic forms and features to create a range of voices which reflect the different modes of expression, and changing values and attitudes, both of the characters and of Australian society itself. Weaker responses tended to be superficial, lacking in specific examples and analysis and often resorted to simple recount of plot details.

  1. Poetry – Komninos, Komninos by the Kupful

Most candidates who attempted this question demonstrated a thorough knowledge of one or more poems. Better responses discussed the forms and features of poetry and the persona’s voice. They explored the articulation of Australian attitudes and lifestyles in the poems and contrasted a range of attitudes and values presented. Weaker responses were limited to an analysis of register and accent.

  1. Nonfiction – Carmel Bird (ed), The Stolen Children – Their Stories

Most responses considered the text as a whole, focusing specifically on the political and editorial responses to the stories and the voices of the Indigenous stolen children. Better responses developed a thesis, discussing in detail the different types of Australian voices presented by the editor and focusing on the issues of assimilation and egalitarianism. Weaker responses focused on a recount of the stories of the stolen children.

  1. Film – Rob Sitch, The Castle

Better responses demonstrated a thorough understanding of the film as a whole and developed a thesis, focusing on how the characters’ voices and relationships with one another reflect the values, attitudes and perceptions of a multicultural Australian society. Weaker responses relied heavily on plot recount, simple discussion of characters and relationships, and examples of dialogue, with little or no analysis of features of film.

Question 2 – Elective 2: Australian Visions

Better responses distinguished between different types of visions and explored a range of examples of typically Australian images and imagery. In their analysis and discussion of these examples, candidates addressed a number of values, attitudes and perceptions in order to explain how the composer used textual forms and features to communicate Australian visions.

Many candidates discussed how the composer created a range of visions but only superficially addressed the relationship between images and descriptions in the text and attitudes, values and perceptions. Some candidates discussed examples of images in the text without referring to how they can communicate a vision. Weaker responses referred to only a small portion of the prescribed text or else relied on retelling the story or describing characters and settings, with little or no discussion of textual forms and features.

  1. Prose Fiction­Peter Goldsworthy, Maestro

Candidates who attempted this question tended to focus on different perceptions of life in Darwin and different attitudes to music. Better responses developed an analysis of how narrative structure and techniques were used to create a range of Australian visions. Weaker responses focused on the relationship between Paul and Keller or provided simple plot recounts and incidental descriptions of character and setting.

  1. Drama – John Misto, The Shoe-Horn Sonata

Better responses integrated analysis of the use of dramatic techniques such as audio-visuals, songs and music, and voice-overs into a discussion of the Australian vision of mateship and restitution of past injustices. Most responses provided an overview of the relationship between Bridie and Sheila and recounted the characters’ experiences as prisoners-of-war, incorporating an analysis of the features of drama used in the play. Weaker responses often relied on simple plot recount.

  1. Poetry – Douglas Stewart, Selected Poems

Better responses demonstrated an insightful understanding of how, through his poetic visions of Australia, Stewart also communicates Australian visions of egalitarianism, an appreciation of Australian flora and fauna, and respect for Indigenous rights. These responses showed an awareness of the poet’s social and historical context and often projected the visions disclosed in the poems onto contemporary Australian society. Most candidates demonstrated a sound understanding of poetic techniques. Weaker responses relied on a recount of the poems or a listing of techniques.

  1. Film – Baz Luhrmann, Strictly Ballroom

Better responses integrated an insightful and detailed analysis of film techniques, including music, setting and costuming, into a discussion that focused on Luhrmann’s visions of individuality, conformity, competitiveness, persistence and multiculturalism. Many candidates focused on camera angles and camera shots and made generalised comments on their effect in communicating visual representations of Australian characters, places and situations. Weaker candidates recalled isolated scenes and relied on superficial analysis of character and dialogue.

  1. Media – Deb Cox, Seachange

Better responses demonstrated an awareness of the features of the text as a television series. These responses demonstrated an understanding of the development of Australian visions throughout the episodes chosen and made specific reference to at least two episodes. They contrasted the differing visions presented in the text by different characters. Most candidates were able to explain the significance of the title and analyse the opening credits. Weaker responses relied on a generalised recount of the series as a whole with little or no analysis of film techniques.

Section II – Module B: Texts and Society

Specific comments

Question 3 – Elective 1: Living and Working in the Community

Many responses demonstrated a good understanding of the question, displaying a well-developed sense of audience and purpose, and effectively using the language forms and features of an informative and persuasive speech. These responses effectively adopted the voice and point of view of a student representative and provided a comprehensive discussion of at least one of the stimulus points. Responses were persuasive, expressing concerns and ideas that reflected experiences and/or insights demonstrating a realistic awareness of the needs of young people in the community.

Most candidates created a formal speech that displayed organisation and personal interpretation of the stimulus material. Better responses demonstrated a highly developed understanding of the community issues and presented their ideas in a persuasive style which was suited to the specified audience and specifically addressed the needs of the young community. These responses provided meaningful, relevant and detailed advice and recommendations. They also showed creative flair in the presentation of their ideas and suggestions through the use of relevant examples and explanations. Sophisticated expression and an awareness of public speaking conventions were evident in the presentation of ideas. These responses demonstrated a highly developed sense of context, purpose and audience which was sustained in the language register and form.

Overall, the responses demonstrated a genuine awareness of the specified needs of young people in the community and conveyed their conviction through the use of persuasive language techniques. Responses in the mid-range were usually more general in their presentation and lacked detail, interpretation and creativity. They gave more generalised advice that did not directly address the specified audience.

Weaker responses did not present sustained advice and/or did not create a student voice. They did not address the council as their audience. These scripts were limited in supporting detail, although many attempted to persuade by listing ideas in a general way. They also displayed a lack of control of expression.

Question 4 – Elective 2: Academic English

Most responses displayed an ability to organise, analyse and interpret the stimulus material to present a reflective journal that addressed the requirements of the task. The responses generally reflected an awareness of the format, but varied in control of purpose, audience and language register.

Most candidates composed a journal entry and identified the language structures and features of two texts. However, the more superficial responses showed little development in the analysis of language features and/or did not fully address the reflective component of the task. These responses often seemed to be prepared and lacked synthesis.

Better responses deconstructed and analysed two different texts and evaluated how the elective and module had assisted them to understand and improve their ability to write effectively. They offered personal reflection with examples that linked to course demands, the syllabus and the writing process. They demonstrated control of expression appropriate to a reflective journal entry and the metalanguage of Academic English.

Mid-range responses often addressed each text satisfactorily but did not adequately reflect on or support their responses with examples. Some responses were written as essays that showed little reflection. They also showed less control in their use of expression and register, becoming a list of ideas without supporting detail.

Weaker responses reflected prepared responses in a variety of formats. They tended to list information rather than attempting to give examples and explain how the student could improve.

Candidates are reminded to allocate their time appropriately between both modules in Paper 2.

Listening Paper

General comments

Candidates are reminded to read all questions carefully. Where candidates ignored or misunderstood directions given through key words in questions, the quality of their responses suffered. Precise answers are required to score in the higher mark range. Examples from the stimulus material to substantiate responses usually assist in this process.

Specific comments

Question 1

This question was answered correctly by most candidates.

Question 2

Two marks were awarded to candidates who provided two reasons why people are afraid of huntsman spiders as stated in the program. Weaker responses referred to spiders in general.

Question 3

Most candidates identified two ways people experience phobias, either by using the words ‘physical’ and ‘psychological’ or by identifying examples of physical and psychological symptoms mentioned in the stimulus.

Question 4

Better responses wrote an explanation demonstrating a clear understanding of the steps in the process and their purpose in achieving the objectives of the ‘Fearless’ course. These responses addressed the directive in the question which was to ‘explain’.

Mid-range responses identified steps in the process by listing them.

Weaker responses demonstrated a limited understanding of the stimulus by providing a brief statement about the purpose or a direct quote from the text. Some responses restated the purpose provided in the question.

Question 5

Candidates who selected the correct definition in this multiple-choice demonstrated understanding of the term ‘euphoria’ in the specific context it was used by the speaker in the stimulus.

Question 6

Better responses correctly identified a technique of spoken language used by Debora Ford, provided an example from the stimulus, and explained how this communicated the speaker’s feelings and/or experiences with spiders.

Weaker responses relied on referring to general features of spoken language such as pace, pitch, pause or tone without explanation. Some responses commented on language techniques in general.

Question 7

The best responses evaluated the effectiveness of the presenter with reference to ‘different aspects of her role’. Stronger responses offered well-chosen examples to support their evaluation.

Weaker responses referred to only one aspect of the role, such as delivery or the information provided by the presenter. A significant number of candidates discussed two different aspects of the presenter’s role without addressing the effectiveness.

Some candidates only made general statements about the role or the presenter.


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