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2013 Notes from the Marking Centre – Arabic Extension


This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the Stage 6 Arabic Extension course. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2013 Higher School Certificate examination, indicating the quality of the responses and highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses.

This document should be read along with:

Oral examination

Characteristics of better responses:

  • language was manipulated effectively in addressing the question chosen
  • responses began with a clear introduction and a number of good arguments, with suitable final remarks
  • wide vocabulary and advanced sentence structures, such as word choice, descriptive expressions, range of tenses, subjective language and elements of persuasion, were used to express and reinforce the position
  • confidence, fluency and correct pronunciation were evident
  • ideas were logically sequenced and linked cohesively through various language structures such as conjunctions and connectives
  • a good argument was constructed and presented within the three minutes allocated for the monologue.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • candidates presented general ideas about the topic in the question
  • some candidates presented prepared slabs of information that related to a word in the question
  • candidates paid little attention to the key words in the question
  • repetition in vocabulary and language expression was evident
  • the structure of an argument was lacking.

Written examination

Section I – Part A – Analysis of Prescribed Text

Characteristics of better responses:

  • the response was not simply a translation of the text
  • a good explanation was provided
  • analysis and justification were supported with referencing from the extract/story
  • a comparison was drawn between the issue of the wealthy and the poor based on the story
  • candidates demonstrated a deep understanding of the characters and the attitudes in the story
  • candidates identified Hanafi’s various feelings and the experiences which led to such feelings.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • words that indicated Hanafi’s feelings were just listed
  • candidates did not understand the ‘evil’ that Ibrahim was referring to in the text
  • translated segments of the story were provided with no real analysis of the ideas
  • general ideas about the issues in the text were expressed, with little or no reference to the text.

Section I – Part B – Response to Prescribed Text

Characteristics of better responses:

  • relevant details from the text were included to support opinions
  • responses demonstrated perceptive understanding of the issues raised in the extract
  • candidates supported their ideas with relevant references in the text
  • a wide range of vocabulary and language structures was used
  • language structures were manipulated to create a certain mood and reflect Mona’s feelings and views on the issues.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • candidates demonstrated limited understanding of the issues raised in the extract
  • the story was retold rather than reflecting on the issues raised
  • a set of scattered ideas was presented without linking them back to the story or the issues raised
  • responses were poorly structured
  • vocabulary and syntax were repeated.

Section III – Writing in Arabic

Characteristics of better responses:

  • a range of vocabulary and language structures was used
  • responses were well structured with correct use of tense, paragraphing and punctuation, and the use of topic sentences
  • depth of treatment of the points mentioned was supported by examples and explanations
  • responses were appropriate for audience, purpose and context
  • both ideas and style were sophisticated and original.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • ideas were repeated throughout the response
  • ideas did not flow logically
  • there was inconsistency in approach and direction.
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