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2014 Notes from the Marking Centre – Human Services


This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the Stage 6 Human Services course. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2014 Higher School Certificate examination, highlighting their strengths in particular parts of the examination and indicating where candidates need to improve.

This document should be read along with:

Section II

Candidates showed strength in these areas:

  • identifying the different types of abuse, eg physical, emotional, financial, neglect, sexual and cyber (Q.16 (b))
  • identifying the elements of duty of care in relation to delivering first aid – for example, no risk to self, no increase in harm, administered until relieved by a competent person, delivered within scope of training/practice and reasonable care (Q.17 (a))
  • outlining the correct management of a head wound, such as application of pressure and a pad (Q.17 (c) (ii))
  • identifying environmentally sustainable work practices (Q.18 (a))
  • explaining the effect of emerging technologies on work practices in client care (Q.18 (b))
  • identifying a variety of skills required to work in a team (Q.19 (a))
  • understanding the differences between rights and responsibilities (Q.19 (b))
  • describing both legal and ethical considerations (including privacy and confidentiality) when collecting and recording health information (Q.20).

Candidates need to improve in these areas:

  • understanding the term mandatory reporting (Q.16 (a))
  • knowing the indicators of a range of types of abuse (Q.16 (b))
  • understanding that clearing the airway, chin lift and head tilt are required for airway management (Q.17 (c) (i)).

Section III

Question 21

Candidates showed strength in these areas:

  • understanding the term multidisciplinary team
  • giving examples of possible team members and their roles
  • linking a team member, for example dietician/nutritionist, with the strategy to be implemented.

Candidates need to improve in these areas:

  • identifying relevant team members appropriate to the scenario provided in the question.

Section IV

Candidates showed strength in these areas:

  • understanding the relationship between employer and employee roles (Q.22 (a), Q.23 (a) and Q.24 (a))
  • including reference to client care, legislation and policies and procedures in relation to applying culturally respectful work practices in various human services areas (Q.22 (b), Q.23 (b) and Q.24 (b)).

Candidates need to improve in these areas:

  • moving beyond generalisations about culture and giving solid examples of culturally respectful work practices and how they could be applied
  • supporting responses with a variety of detailed and relevant examples (Q.22 (b), Q.23 (b) and Q.24 (b)).
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