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2013 Notes from the Marking Centre – Indonesian Continuers


This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the Stage 6 Indonesian Continuers course. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2013 Higher School Certificate examination, indicating the quality of the responses and highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses.

This document should be read along with:

Oral examination

Characteristics of better responses:

  • engaged with the examiner and answered the questions directly using relevant information, rather than giving prepared answers
  • provided in-depth responses to the topic being explored
  • good intonation and pronunciation were maintained, as well as replicating an authentic Indonesian accent
  • demonstrated knowledge of a range of sophisticated vocabulary and sentence structures and a high level of grammatical accuracy maintained throughout the conversation
  • demonstrated skills in manipulating the language of the question.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • failure to grasp the focus of the question when it referred to a third person
  • misuse of :
    • kita (we: myself and others, as well as the examiner) instead of kami (we: myself and others, but not the examiner)
    • supaya (so that/in order to) instead of sehingga (so that/as a result)
    • sambil/sementara/sedangkan
    • siapa or bahwa instead of yang
    • itu to translate ‘it’
    • kapan (the question word) instead of waktu/ketika/kalau to express ‘when’
    • senang to express ‘like’
    • menikmati (to enjoy) instead of menyenangkan (enjoyable)
    • lucu (funny) for ‘fun’
    • menarik (interesting) instead of tertarik akan/pada … (interested in …)
    • adalah/ialah before a verb or an adjective
    • bekerja (to work) instead of mengerjakan/melakukan (to do)
  • duplication after plural expressions such as banyak, eg banyak teman-teman instead of banyak teman
  • incorrect pronunciation and intonation of the words dengan, karena, pantai, kadang-kadang and sekolah and lack of Indonesian terms for countries and school subjects
  • incorrect word order, eg saya baik teman instead of teman baik saya.

Written examination

Section I – Listening and Responding

Characteristics of better responses:

  • global comprehension rather than isolated items of vocabulary (Q.3, Q.8) thus demonstrating an understanding of the context
  • included relevant details from the text to support their opinions (Q.5, Q.6, Q.7)
  • identified the use of flattery as a sales technique (Q.4)
  • identified the repeated failure of the female speaker to gain work as a flight attendant (Q.6).

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • lack of knowledge of vocabulary items: lalu lintas (Q.5), kepala bangunan (Q.8), sudah berkali-kali (Q.6), buatan tangan (Q.4)
  • the male speaker’s occupation in Question 8 was incorrectly identified with common misconceptions that he was the female speaker’s father or boss. Some candidates also incorrectly stated that the woman’s complaint was directed at the garbage collectors who had failed to collect her rubbish
  • lack of understanding of the significance of the comment regarding the identity of the girl on the beach as well as the fact that Rini placed such trust in her friend Asti (Q.7)
  • the local people’s request was incorrectly identified (Q.5).

Section II – Reading and Responding

Part A

Question 9

Characteristics of better responses:

  • did not simply translate large sections of text
  • understanding the benefits of working for an international company through Andryo’s personal experiences
  • clear understanding of the financial advantages of obtaining a student visa before leaving Indonesia.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • the specific type of visa recommended by Andryo was not identified (b)
  • misunderstanding that the $1800 included insurance, rather than health insurance
  • no reference to Andryo’s own experiences in Australia when discussing his advice (b)
  • lack of understanding of sekurang-kurangnya and cabang.
Question 10

Characteristics of better responses:

  • demonstrated the links between the injuries incurred in the ceremony and the loss of life and bloodshed that occurred in the legend, and also the similarity in the weapons that were used in both battles (f)
  • use of terms such as ‘simulate’, ‘replicate’, ‘re-enact’, ‘similar to’ to strengthen the analysis of the links between the legend and the events at the ceremony.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • failure to recognise the significance of the use of the term banteng to describe the village (a)
  • incorrect description of the weapons used in the ceremony battles (b)
  • did not describe how the battles ended (c)
  • the atmosphere at the ceremony was identified but not accounted for (e)
  • lack of knowledge of tanpa baju, pandan, banteng, korban/dikorbankan, seorang penengah, nenek-moyang.

Part B

Characteristics of better responses:

  • supported opinions with inclusion of relevant details from the text
  • demonstrated global understanding of the text
  • expressed some original ideas and language
  • good control of language, especially affixation
  • adequately addressed the aspect of Hendro’s suitability as a painter/lawyer.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • evidence of direct translation from English
  • detailed unnecessary and irrelevant information
  • confusion between bukan and tidak
  • difficulty in expressing congratulations to Hendro on his good results.

Section III – Writing in Indonesian

Characteristics of better responses:

  • used a range of vocabulary and language structures including prefixes and suffixes
  • effective use of emotive language
  • provided appropriate reasons for changing arrangements (Q.12)
  • response was relevant and to the point (Q.13)
  • personal opinion expressed (Q.13).

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • inconsistent use of register, for example addressing a friend using yang terhormat
  • difficulty in apologising, for example maaf sekali instead of minta maaf
  • incorrect word order, for example ibu HUT, banget gembira
  • confusion between nouns and verbs, for example makan/makanan, merayakan/perayaan
  • confusion with time words, for example besok/kemarin, dua minggu depan/lagi.
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