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2014 Notes from the Marking Centre – French Beginners


This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the Stage 6 French Beginners course. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2014 Higher School Certificate examination, indicating the quality of the responses and highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses.

This document should be read along with:

Oral examination

Characteristics of better responses:

  • language was manipulated to express opinions
  • candidates engaged authentically in the conversation
  • a variety of tenses, adverbs, connectives and more sophisticated language were used
  • pronunciation was good.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • basic grammatical structures such as possessives, verbs, pronouns and adjectives were not understood
  • by focusing simply on a key word and ignoring the tense and the context, questions were misinterpreted
  • common words were poorly pronounced
  • candidates could answer expected but not unexpected questions.

Written examination

Section I – Listening

Characteristics of better responses:

  • information was interpreted, not simply translated
  • the word caresser was understood
  • responses were supported and justified using information from the texts
  • candidates elaborated and developed their responses.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • numbers and letters of the alphabet were not understood
  • the different points of view presented by the speaker were confused (Qs.7 and 8)
  • insufficient detail was provided
  • some vocabulary such as boîte de nuit was not understood.

Section II – Reading and Responding

Question 11

Characteristics of better responses:

  • all the relevant details of dishes were given
  • what was NOT included in the fixed price menu was understood.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • simplistic answers which lacked detail were given
  • poor understanding of the question or text was shown by naming every item, including those which were not included in the fixed price menu
  • the answer was given in French
  • truite was mistranslated.

Question 12

Characteristics of better responses:

  • they were simple, clear and unambiguous
  • the purpose of the email was understood
  • an understanding of the whole text was demonstrated.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • words like anniversaire, fête, cadeau were poorly translated
  • candidates did not specify that the event was a birthday/party (Q.12b)
  • the purpose of text was misunderstood
  • the date of the email was used rather than the date of the event.

Question 13

Characteristics of better responses:

  • the two activities were named (Q.13a)
  • a clear understanding of how the gym would benefit its members was demonstrated (Q.13b)
  • responses related to the text rather than one’s personal knowledge of what a gym may provide (Q.13c).

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • only one activity was named (Q.13a)
  • candidates did not understand tous les jours (Q.13a)
  • the wording of the question was simply repeated (Q.13c)
  • candidates did not explain how one’s health would benefit from attending the gym (Q.13c).

Question 14

Characteristics of better responses:

  • candidates understood the terminology and formulated appropriate responses based on the text (Q.14b)
  • supporting evidence from the text was used to identify opinions, details and arguments (Q.14c).

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • detail from the text was needed to support responses
  • candidates drew on personal experience instead of the details in the blogs
  • candidates relied on translation of key phrases but did not focus on the need to convince the parents (Q.14c).

Question 15

Characteristics of better responses:

  • appropriate information from relevant sections of the text was identified
  • the complete text was analysed to identify the main points in the advice given (Q.15b)
  • the main points were supported with evidence from the text (Q.15b).

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • not enough detail was provided
  • key vocabulary was misunderstood
  • candidates relied on English cognates to support response (Q.15b).

Section III – Writing in French

Questions 16 and 17

Characteristics of better responses:

  • a variety of vocabulary and language structures were used
  • responses were well structured and organised, with relevant detail and sophistication
  • candidates used the appropriate register (tu or vous) and addressed the question to the appropriate person or people
  • verb conjugations and tense agreements were accurate
  • knowledge of a variety of tenses was demonstrated, particularly when giving reasons for wanting to sell an item (Q.16) or not being able to attend training (Q.17)
  • candidates used authentic phrases and expressions, making their writing tasks more sophisticated.

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • there was an inconsistent use of register
  • verb conjugations and tense agreements were inaccurate
  • all parts of the question were not addressed and key details were omitted
  • candidates didn’t sign off appropriately, or used a rote-learnt sign-off that was inappropriate to the task
  • the word limit was not met
  • the dictionary was used inappropriately for vocabulary or verbs
  • English syntax was used and English expressions translated into French
  • Candidates had difficulty forming expressions such as avoir besoin de (Q.16) and used attendre instead of assister for ‘attend’ (Q.17).

Questions 18 and 19

Characteristics of better responses:

  • a well-structured narrative was provided
  • a variety of vocabulary, tenses and language features were used
  • appropriate use of register was demonstrated
  • candidates clearly explained the challenges they encountered in Year 12, the rewards or disappointment that resulted and gave appropriate advice (Q.18)
  • candidates clearly and creatively explained the joys and difficulties of hosting an exchange student, including cultural and personal similarities and differences (Q.19).

Characteristics of weaker responses:

  • irrelevant details and comments were provided and ideas were not presented in a coherent manner
  • a basic understanding of vocabulary, tenses and language features was demonstrated
  • responses were greatly under the word limit
  • anglicisms and literal word-for-word translations produced meaningless sentences
  • candidates did not clearly express the nature of challenges faced (Q.18)
  • candidates did not clearly describe their feelings about hosting an exchange student and/or simply described activities (Q.19).
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